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Wenstrup Joins Congressional Delegation to the Indo-Pacific

  • BRW with Japanese Foreign Minister
As a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, I had the opportunity to join a Congressional Delegation to the Indo-Pacific, visiting Australia, Vietnam, and Japan.

In Australia, I discussed the importance of intelligence sharing in our combined efforts to deter Chinese aggression. I also visited the U.S. Marines stationed in Darwin, Australia, including three Ohioans. I am proud of our deep, strong allyship with Australia.

In Vietnam, I met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs to discuss the growing relationship between our two countries. I am encouraged by Vietnam’s continued growth as an important partner in the region.

Lastly, I visited our allies in Japan, including the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Trade, and the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry to discuss our strong trade partnership and the growing threat of Chinese aggression towards Japan.